Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summer Survival Writing Tips

I always think at the beginning of the summer that I'll be able to find time for writing because we'll have a more flexible family schedule. Somehow that never happens, despite my best efforts.

So, I've gone back to my summer survival writing. Which means, I'm using all my tips and tricks to get some writing in every day and stay on track.

  • I can write in fifteen minute increments. Often, when I'm at the pool with my kids, or the library, or the park, I can be thinking of my next scene or the next piece of dialogue. Then, when I get home, I can head to my computer and spend the next fifteen minutes to half an hour writing down what I'd just imagined. I don't worry about editing at this juncture, I just get it down. 
     I also can write for fifteen, get my kids settled and busy for fifteen, and come back to the computer for another fifteen. Working that way can take some getting used to and finding your writing groove can be hard, but it keeps the scenes running through my head and the writing does flow once I've adjusted. Being a writermom takes balance and imagination, but it's worth it!

  • I carry my notebook with me to jot down ideas, outlines, and character arcs. I'm always surprised by how much time I find to write in that notebook and how my creativity is different when I'm away from a computer.

  • I almost always have a loose outline I work off of so when I do get to a computer I don't waste time and know exactly what I want to get down.

  • I have a regular time that I do a word sprint with a partner. She keeps me honest and gives me accountability. I also meet regularly with my critique partner and those meetings give me a deadline and a reason to put forth a concerted effort.

And last, but not least, I don't get down on myself when I don't make it to the word count I wanted to for the day. My family always comes first and we will have some great summer memories. But, using these little tips keep me on track to get my stories on paper that are anxious to be told. 

Have you heard of any great summer survival writing tips?

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