Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Writer Goal Wednesday

photo credit: plnaugle via photopin cc 

Well, this was an amazing writer week for me! All my little goals and babysteps are really coming together into one big whole and turning into something wonderful.

Last week's sprint went REALLY WELL. I got 3005 words on my new novel and they were good words. I'm so excited. We're going to do it again tonight and I hope it's just as successful! My new story is really shaping up and I'm loving the characters.

I am finishing up the final edits on my novella and that should be done this evening. Woohoo! I love this story and I can't wait for you all to read it. (It will be out in October.)

I am also finishing the final listen on the audio book of Ashes Ashes. My narrator, Simon Pringle-Wallace, is amazing. His voice for my bad guy is SO CREEPY! I love it. I know you will all want to hear it, so I'll keep you posted the minute it's available for purchase!

For next week I think I'm just going to concentrate on getting at least 3000 more words on my novel. With it being back to school, I know things will be super busy around here, but I can do it!

How did your writing week go?

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